Saturday, May 25, 2013

"Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet."

We've read it, recited it, heard it, sang it. We've pinned it, memorized it, chanted and amen-ed it. But this week, I finally GOT it. Isn't that what revelation is? Finally SEEING something that you've been looking at for a long time?

The fruit of an apple tree is, you guessed it, an apple. The tree doesn't have to pray to bear fruit, doesn't have to fast to bloom, doesn't have to chant to reap. It just has to do what it was created to do, BE an apple tree. Soak up the rain, bask in the sun, and allow its roots to run strong and deep in the place where it is planted. 

The same goes for us. In order to bear spiritual fruit, we must be what we were created to be, SUPERnatural. We have to soak up the Holy Spirit, bask in the presence of our Creator, and allow ourselves to become rooted where he has planted us. I love being flesh and blood, love the taste of food, the smell of freshly cut grass, the feel of my children's skin, and the sound of my husband's voice. I'm in no hurry to see these physical things pass away. But, the good news is, I'm not waiting for the "sweet by and by" to enjoy the spiritual and eternal part of me. 

When Yahshua went to sit at the right hand of the Father, we were not left alone. The Comforter, the Helper, the Teacher, the very spirit of the Creator himself came to ABIDE in us. Not as a visitation, but as a habitation. Through him, I have open, unique, and direct communication with the Father. When my eyes and heart are set on Him, I finally begin to bear fruit. When I find myself lacking patience, I don't go to the most recent best-selling book on the subject, I go straight to the Father through the Holy Ghost. I remember that before I was flesh, I was spirit. And long after the flesh is gone, my spirit will remain.